Ca: 0x704595501e6fada98237a08 c0669bb6497299615
S.T.O.N.K.S In the ever-evolving world of crypto, this token is poised to disrupt the very fabric of the financial markets: Schizophrenic Turbulence Optimus Neuralink Knowledgeable Stockbrokers (STONKS). With its cutting-edge combination of AI-driven algorithms, decentralized trading systems, and an audacious vision for the future of stock trading, STONKS is not just a cryptocurrency; it’s a movement.

STONKS is about harnessing the power of advanced machine learning, neural interfaces, and decentralized finance (DeFi) to create an intelligent, self-optimizing trading ecosystem. It merges the chaotic yet brilliant nature of schizophrenia with the focused precision of the world’s top stockbrokers, producing a system that is unpredictable, dynamic, and infinitely adaptable.

As the market continues to embrace STONKS, one thing is clear: this project is more than just a coin. It’s a revolution in how we think about, trade, and profit from volatility.
join S.T.O.N.K.S on an adventure through the magical realms of the ethereum network.
zero buy/sell taxes
liquidity burnt
CA verified & renounced


Create a wallet

Download the MetaMask extension from the official website and install it in your browser. Fund it by transferring ETH from an exchange or another wallet. .


Get some ETH

Connect to a decentralized exchange (DEX) like Uniswap. Open the DEX website and click on "Connect Wallet" and select MetaMask..


Go to UniSwap

To swap ETH for $S.T.O.N.K.S, select ETH in the "from" field and choose $S.T.O.N.K.S in the "to" field using our contract address. Enter the amount of tokens you want & press swap..


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Yo! � I'm S.T.O.N.K.S
When I’m not working, I like to space out and dream of becoming an internet sensation, like my idols Pepe, HopPY, Bobo, Brett and Andy.